Junior Room News

During Term 3 the curious minds of the students have been exploring  our Inquiry Unit- Where We Are in Place and Time.

Firstly, we investigated the Tokyo Olympics following the thread of what it means to be an athlete and the different ways we can be healthy in terms of food choices and exercise.   As the Olympics commenced students have made connections with different countries around the world and what contributes to their identity.  In the latter part of this inquiry, students are participating in a recycled town project creating a village out of recycled materials.

In literacy we have begun a Talk 4 writing cycle around a journey story. We are focusing on the story of the Gingerbread Man.  The sounds-write approach to reading continues to underpin our literacy program and is supported by the use of instructional decodable readers.
In Maths students are focusing on place value, addition and subtraction strategies and geometry.
The Forrest Kids Go Bush program continues to focus on outdoor, providing our young folk to explore the immediate world around them, learning about risk and focus on the opportunities in their own backyard.


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